
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I survived.... go crazy another day. Last night's activities turned out much better than I expected...the baseball practice was only for 45 minutes, we got in a little bit of grocery shopping, and had a great visit with the people who showed up last night for Brew Group.

This morning, I woke up to see that it had rained during the night, and there was a nice little puddle inside my back I wait more to try to get this door fixed. I have been trying, since we moved in here in November, to get them to replace the door. The door is messed is warped, and I used to get a breeze around the door, so they put foam-rubber stuff around the door, which pretty much stopped the breeze, but made it almost impossible to lock the door. Mind you, this has taken something like 10 visits to get it to this point. I was looking around the door last week, and realized that it looked like water had dried around the door....and then this morning I found actual puddles there....looks like I was right.

So, more....tonight is AWANA...we want our kids to stay in AWANA, but #4 child has HIS first baseball practice tonight, and there is a family meeting afterwards...I am guessing that one of us will take him, and the other will be taking the rest of the kids to AWANA.

In the mean time, I have work to do...and I need to get the phone number to set an appointment...I hurt my toe over the weekend, and am about to run out of medicine for my GERD...must see the doctor to get the prescription filled again. Don't know how long it will take them to get me in to see a doctor...last time I tried to set an appointment, it took a month. I can't wait that long.


Krista Heiser said...

You may have explained this somewhere else, but what exactly is a Brew Group?

And congrats on surviving a busy night!

Laura Paxton said...

Our church has small groups available for everyone...we meet weekly in homes, instead of having a mid-week service at our non-existant church building. Our church runs on a lot of caffiene, and many of the activities are named after various forms of coffee...Brew Group, Cappucino Group, Latte Group....

Thanks for coming by!!

Aunt Angie said...

Whew! You have so much going on! Bless you and your busy life!!!
Thank you so much for your kind comment on my CWO Cafe post. God is good.

Jim and Jami said...

I love your site I put a button link on my site so others can also check out your site when they stop by my page, it is on the left hand side under favorite blogs.

I hope that you took a picture of the puddle to show that the door needs fixing?!

Scribbit said...

WHew! I'm tired just reading this!

Jan Parrish said...

You might try over the counter meds to get you by or tell them you R out and they might call in one month. :)

Thanks for stopping by my Marriage Monday.