
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The weather outside is beautiful....

I am loving this weather! I wish I could be outside in it all day long! Today is clear and sunny and it's 47 degrees....compared to the 36 degrees of Helena...I'm happy! I am ready for sunny and warm...and taking walks on the beach. I am NOT looking forward to the bugs. We haven't had to deal with bugs for the last 4 years, and now I am remembering all the nastiness that are known as "waterbugs" in the Southeast!

I started working from home in January, and I am still learning how to balance working and keeping up with the house, and NOT being "on the clock" after everyone gets home in the evenings. I had a bad couple of days, with some jobs that had to get finished, and I let my vitamins go, and was just sitting at my computer all day, and late into the night....last night I had a "moment"....well, okay, it was more like an hour....My body can only go so long without enough sleep, working long hours, and sitting in one position...and then I just lose it. Hopefully today, I can get back up, and get back at it...since this is all a learning process...

I just got a phone call from the kindergartener is having hearing issues...the nurse said that the cold she has may be affecting her hearing, but what she saw was outside of the range of what it normally affected by colds. The nurse was also concerned about the 5th seems he showed up at her office with bruising on his arm, and said something about some other students hitting him in the lunch room. She encouragement to call about any "bullying" that happens...there is a person who handles it and can make sure that the students involved do not know who "told" on them.

I am overwhelmed. House upkeep. Kids that are sick. Dealing with learning issues, and bullying, and baseball practice, and my own work, and church...there is just too too much. I am just one person, and I can NOT do it all. Yeah, hubby's here...but he's learning a new job, and his schedule is erratic right now.

Okay, enough whining. Back to work....because it is still there waiting for me....


Alicia said...

Hang in there, Laura! Life does this at times to all of us, especially during transitions. A friend of mine (who I know is personally feeling stretched at this time in her life) is teaching a mother's Sunday school class at my church and this past week the topic was time management. She said that when you feel like this, you should stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, "Can I do the will of God for the next five minutes?" Then just live your life five minutes at a time. I tucked that tidbit away - hope it encourages you too.

Laura said...

I can really relate - I am also having trouble finding balance and I only have 3 kids.

Hang in there.

Sending you lots of positive vibes!

Unknown said...

Balance the constant struggle, just remember you are not alone...many of us have been there, will be there, or are there.
Sorry to hear about the hearing issues and bullying. No fun at all.
Hugs again.