
Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm very sad....

...sad because I can't figure out all the cool bloggy things that are supposed to make this blog more fun, splashy, cool, and hip.....

I KNOW it needs *something*, but not sure what.

I've tried cool stuff...

And I've tried to add a feed....

 Subscribe in a reader

And the poor little things are getting NO love....

I tell you, it's sad....


  1. Ohh I have this--I love it--I'm going to sign it right now! I'd be more than happy to help you if you have any questions (that I can answer, lol)....but I rather like your blog.

  2. Oh i hear you. Some of these things just never work right on my blog either. Hey, I see your feeder on your sidebar!

  3. There are so many cool things out there...some I just cannot get my head around!!!!

    I have not even tired to get fancy on my blog yet!!!

  4. I do love the guestbook! I'll sign it right away. :)

    You did a great job on your header. What a wonderful picture! And, like Stacey, I do like your blog.

    I have fun with my meez. I can dress it just like a barbie doll. Hee!

  5. Just found your blog! It's great! Therefore, I'm subscribing as soon as I'm done commenting.

    I have a guestbook too - except the post it is in isn't on the homepage anymore... I've got to put it on my sidebar or something. I already signed yours by the way.

    I understand your frustrations. I got a new template for my blog, but it won't upload and I keep getting an error. It's frustrating. Hang in there - I promise it will improve.

  6. I am tweaking my blog to make it more user friendly too - we can share tips.

    I added you to mt rss feed :) and I am doing a blogroll page too - did you see my nav bar buttons.

    There is a few great widgets around.

  7. I love your blog.....It is your own personal expression.....I am going to add it to my page as soon as I finish this post.....

  8. If it weren't for Kristen, I would have NOTHING on mine. She started it, she changes it, she maintains it. But now she's not around a computer and I need some stuff done! I guess I'll have to take care of the kids again for awhile so she can do some stuff for me - and maybe post and visit and comment herself!

  9. I am html impaired, as well! I keep thinking I should take a big leap into the 21st century and learn, but who has the time?

  10. You are way ahead of me...that guest book thing is cool and I never have figured out how to put that subscribe button up!


Please at least say "hi"...I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from your comments!