
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy (Not So) Wordless Wednesday (With a twist!)

I've been watching this fun theme for a while, and pondering, and I think it is time to jump in... While I know this is supposed to be WORDLESS, I fear I cannot.....

I LOVE pictures, and the theme for this week is "Vintage" which just really suits my fancy.

I actually wanted to share a picture of something I own that is vintage...I went out to take the picture....and, well....

It is still in the crate from our move in November. So, I'll have to save that fun vintage piece for another time.

Today, I am going to share some fun vintage pictures of my mother's great aunt, of the many Frances' in the family...known to all as "Aunt Fan." Aunt Fan was a world traveler and book fiend. She travelled as a companion to another wealthly young lady, and as such got to go to many exciting places. She was also somewhat of a maverick, doing things that women of her day were not supposed to do, and going places they were not expected to go. One treasured thing from Aunt Fan is the wedding veil that I wore in my wedding, and which my mother and aunt also both wore in their weddings. (Alas, no pictures for now, as my wedding pictures seem to be missing...)

This is a picture of Aunt Fan fishing...I don't know dates or location, but I love the fact that she is out on the river in that LONG vintage skirt, with a huge cane pole, fishing!

And this is NOT Aunt Fan...I do know that it is a family member, probably taken either in Arkansas or west Texas, when the family was settling in there.

Now, go see more WWWAT posts!


  1. I love old family photos. They tell such unique stories! Hurray for Aunt Fan! She sounds like my kind of lady :)


  2. She sounds like an amazing lady! Thanks for joining in!

    By the way, I fixed your link (it was set to another post). Hope you don't mind!

  3. Great story! I really like your pictures!

  4. I love old photos!! Excellent!

    I am so curious to see what is in the box!!!

  5. Thanks for sharing those pictures! The fishing one is my favorite. :)

  6. I seriously love old photos of people so much... i don't even care who they are of, they just have so much history attached to them. I like to think about what life was like when it was taken... esp when they're in black and white, it's fun to imagine what their actual life was like in color! i know, i'm kind of a dork :)

  7. Oh I love old photos! You're so luck y to have these!

    Thanks for sharing them. And I look forward to seeing the contents of your crate sometime too :)

  8. Wow - those are GREAT old photos! Happy WWWAT!

  9. What great pictures. I love to see independent women before their time.

  10. great pictures! Aunt Fan looks like fun! I'm curious about that crate too...


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