
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thievin' the blog...

I saw this over at My Life With Boys, and just had to do it..

I am…busy.
I want…supper.
I husband and I were going out tonight.
I hate...when we're so busy that we lose contact with each other.
I miss…the quiet days of summers growing up.
I fear…what this country will look like after the election.
I feel…helpless to do anything about that.
I hear…a baseball game on the TV.
I smell…my newly cleaned floors.
I crave…chocolate.
I search…for a good friend.
I wonder…what happens after life in the Navy.
I regret…yelling at my children.
I love…being a SAH Mom.
I care…DEEPLY about single mothers, and depressed women.
I ache…every time I am exposed to insecticides, cigarette smoke, gas fumes, car exhaust, and most household chemicals.
I always...enjoy having children in the house.
I believe…that God has a plan for my life.
I dance…only when no one else is looking.
I the car, at church, and sometimes in the shower.
I cry…at least once a month.
I don’t always...act like I should.
I fight…God over the changes He wants to make in my life.
I write…daily on this blog.
I never…want to be alone.
I listen…to Christian radio all day long, every day.
I need…to clean up my desk.
I am happy...with where we live right now.

This definitely made me think...


  1. Neat post! Hope you are having a fabulous Sunday!!

  2. I came to you ...via Melody at Slurping Life-- and I promise to be back again and again-- I just enjoy your outlook, always looking up no matter the road you travel!


Please at least say "hi"...I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from your comments!