
Saturday, September 6, 2014

What I'm currently reading

Now that I am no longer a student, my reading choices have expanded to the HUGE pile of books I have been saving for such a time as this.....

...which has grown since this picture was taken.

So, for a little more accountability to actually continue working my way through this pile, here is a sampling of what I am reading right now.


From the Goodreads site, " This was written to help adult children of dysfunctional families, especially adult children of alcoholics, cope with the problems caused from their unhappy upbringing." 

I have a hard copy of this favorite way to read books!!

Also from the Goodreads site:  "Amanda is a raging perfectionist. She begins each day with a long list. "Keep the house picked up; limit myself to two Diet Cokes; spend special time with each of the kids; work out; pray; avoid sugar; read a chapter in a book about something very important; read my Bible; call my mom." She determines each day's worth, and ultimately her own, by keeping track of her stats--pounds gained or lost, stuff accomplished. That is, until God spoke into her life, waking her up to the true costs of her addiction to perfection. "Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist" is more than Amanda's confession; it's a journey of letting go of the subtle but destructive idols of her overactive inner voice and replacing them with God's truth. Amanda hopes her journey can inspire others to let God dig in to their own lives, uncovering the subtle lies we unconsciously live by.

This book was a free download from Amazon on my Kindle app.  

Finally, also from Goodreads: "A look at churches that practice authoritarian leadership, manipulation, excessive discipline, and spiritual intimidation warns and informs readers about such organizations, naming names and offering advice on identifying a fringe church."
This book is available for a free download here.
I am part-way through each of these books.  If you join me on Goodreads, you can follow my progress, as well as reading great book reviews.  

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