
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Inside my head (during a PCS move)

"I'm sorry, ma'm.  You have what is known as 'major-move-itis'.  There is no treatment for this.  You just have to ride it out, and hope for the best." 

Every time we move, I feel like I have come down with the worst sickness known to man. 
No one wants to do things with me because I am moving. 
Heck, I don't want to do things with me....I don't like who I am when I am preparing for a move. 
I am much to do in so little time. 
I am going to forget something, so I am hyper-focused. 
I beat myself up about how messy the house is. 
I beat myself up about how much stuff has accumulated in the 2.5/3/4/7 years we have been in this place. 
I want to spend all the time with all the people. 
I want to hibernate...sleeping away the time will make it pass more quickly, right?!?
I feverishly try to get all the things done.
I feverishly attempt to avoid doing all the things. 

Internally, it is no better. 
I'm a ball of nerves. 
Emotions well up at the most inopportune times. 
I get overwhelmed easily. 
I show my anxiety as anger, and impatience. 
I have gotten better over the years, but my poor husband used to bear the brunt of my move-emotions. 

This time, we have a forced day off a week before the movers arrive. 
There is a BLIZZARD forecast for tonight.  EVERYTHING will be closed tomorrow.  There is really NOTHING we can going out to return things, or get rid of things.  I mean, I WILL continue washing curtains and boxing them up, and planning what needs to go out next trash day, and trying to sell off 5 window AC units, a dryer, and 39 extra gift bags, among other things...but I can (and WILL) do that from the comfort of my office, in my jammies and warm slippers....with a hot cup of tea. 

Please pray for a smooth-ish transition over the two weeks.... we need it!! 


  1. Laura, you are one of the strongest people I know and your faith makes you stronger. And this too shall pass.

  2. This describes every move I ever made as a military spouse and so far the one after the military. I have one more that I know about coming soon. Well, a couple years, but that comes sooner than one thinks.

    I know you will be fine. You are strong. It just takes the anxiety and stress to keep you on track. As long as you remind your family members to not take it personally and that you do love them despite it.

    Love you guys. I miss you very much.


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