
Sunday, July 14, 2019


Lonely doesn't even begin to cover where I am today. 

I'm sad. 
I'm grieving. 
I'm angry. 
I'm afraid...afraid that I'm on the edge of depression...afraid that a terrible injustice is going to ruin our lives...afraid that evil will prevail. 
I'm overwhelmed. 
And, yes, I am LONELY. 

I am so VERY lonely. 
Yes, there are friends. 
And yes, I can talk to some of them about some of the things. 
But, really I don't have anyone with whom I can talk about ALL of the things. 

So I heart eyes chest feels brain feels tired. 
And I know He hears...
...which is comforting...
...but still I am lonely. 

Because right now, I need someone with skin on to be Jesus to me... wait for answers with me... be parent-like to me... hug me while I cry... insist that I eat when I feel more like vomiting from the stress... help me laugh... distract me.


1 comment:

c said...

That’s beautiful and incredibly sad at the same time. I’ve been there, probably will again, maybe today. I’m always here for you my forever friend.