
Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Blog-aversary to ME!

Somehow I missed that my blog-aversary was yesterday. I don't know what the tradition is for a first blog-aversary, so I'm going to make one up!

First, we sing the Anniversary song....No, really, please don't.

Second, I tell you how grateful I am that you have stuck by me, my friends! You have enriched my life, comforted me, encouraged me, and supported/enabled me in my addiction! I am forever grateful for your friendship!

Finally, I make plans for my future.
*In case you hadn't noticed, I have slacked off with my writing here. That's going to change.
*I am working on some series' on things like parenting, marriage building, and friendship.
*I also have some very late tags/awards that need to be taken care of...sorry for the delays!

Again, my friends, THANK YOU for sticking around. Your continued friendship means the world to me!

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